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Plympton International College provides curriculum that is full of variety and opportunities, aligned with the Australian curriculum.

Our mission is to prepare our students for their future, to be critical thinkers, innovators and leaders in an everchanging world.

Subject Selection

The subject selection process occurs during Term 3.

  • Students and families will have access to the Curriculum Guide
  • Subject teachers will discuss the subjects with students and answer any questions that arise.
  • Students will work with home group teachers in Pastoral Care to undertake subject selection as part of the Career Strategy program
  • Students select subjects online via Web Preference on the school website.

We encourage parents/carers to contact the school for information and assistance throughout the process. Every effort will be made to meet student choices; this is always dependent on the choices and the availability of teachers.

Reception – Year 6 (Primary Schooling)

Education in our primary school is focused on the development of the ‘whole child’ through our careful attention to the academic and social learning needs of each individual. Our staff work collaboratively to ensure our high quality learning programs engage all students. A strong partnership with families is valued as an essential part of the growth process for our young learners. Being an R-12 College, our students have access to a range of specialist facilities that enrich and deepen their learning.

Teacher helping primary student
Two middle school students working together on laptops

Years 7 – 9 (Middle Schooling)

Our middle school program and structure are designed to specifically engage and guide our young adolescents through the important transition from primary to secondary schooling. Through the Australian Curriculum, we design the learning experience to be relevant, rigorous and reflective of individual needs and interests.

Years 10 – 12 (Senior Schooling)

Our senior school students, years 10 – 12, are emerging young adults, each with personalised learning requirements and aspirations. We offer a comprehensive and broad range of Australian Curriculum, SACE and Vocational subjects to ensure all students are able to engage in meaningful, rigorous and relevant learning to support their future pathways.

Two students working on latop

Chinese (Mandarin) Bilingual School

Plympton International College was successfully chosen to become the first South Australian Bilingual College. Evidence shows bilingual students have a competitive edge when leaving school, together with a deep cultural and global understanding. Our Chinese (Mandarin) Bilingual program equips students with transferrable skills to successfully interact and engage in a competitive globalised world. Most bilingual students can be expected to reach higher levels of second language proficiency than students in other school based language programs.

Ready to enrol your student?

You are welcome to fill in an Expression of Interest Form and your child’s name will be placed on our ‘register for enrolment’ list.