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Secondary Years

Secondary Years: Year 10 to Year 12

Secondary Years: Year 10 to Year 12

Our senior years students are emerging young adults, each with personalised learning requirements and aspirations.

We offer a comprehensive and broad range of Australian Curriculum, SACE and Vocational subjects to ensure all students can engage in meaningful, rigorous and relevant learning to support their future pathways.

We support students in identifying the areas that interest them, match their abilities, and meet the requirements of future study and careers.

Through a tailored course of study, our students can gain industry-accredited units of competency through Vocational Education and Training (VET), complete their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), or achieve an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) to enable them to enter university.

Students have access to specialised learning facilities for design and technology, sports, performing and visual arts, health and other sciences, home economics and more. 


Ready to enrol your student?

You are welcome to fill in an Expression of Interest Form and your child’s name will be placed on our ‘register for enrolment’ list.