Student Support and Well-being
Student Support and Well-being
The well-being of our students is paramount. A number of programs and support services exist to ensure that your child is nurtured in a caring, encouraging environment.
Well-being is central to learning and learning contributes to well-being. At Plympton International College we are committed to supporting the development and promotion of well-being for all our students.
Teachers contribute to the well-being of students through the quality of relationships they build and share with them. Relationships built on respect contribute significantly to student participation and retention which results in students successfully following particular learning and career pathways.
Students and parents/caregivers are encouraged to discuss any issues that affect student learning with the class, home group teachers and year-level manager leader.
Student support
The Student Wellbeing Leader is not a therapeutic counsellor, however student and their families and teachers are supported by being connected with community-based qualified counsellors. In emergencies, the Student Wellbeing Coordinator is qualified in Youth Mental Health First Aid and provides appropriate responses. Students can book appointments with the Student Wellbeing Leader by visiting the College Office or the Wellbeing Leader’s Office. The student will be given an appointment slip to show their teacher to leave class at the booked time.
In-School Psychology is another support offered at the College. This is a free (bulk billed to Medicare) psychological service for children, adolescents and their families offered onsite at the College. The psychologist working with the College is experienced in child and adolescent psychology and provides outstanding and comprehensive services. For more information contact the Student Wellbeing Leader.
Restorative practice
We have a focus on the use of Restorative Practice as a way of establishing and maintaining positive relationships between all members of the school community. The management of student behaviour is based on Restorative Justice principles, which encourage outcomes that promote responsibility, reparation and healing for all.
Student leadership
Plympton International College promotes a student leadership model to encourage more authentic and relevant student involvement.
Reception to Year 12 Class representatives and other interested students have been involved in various leadership training opportunities to assist them to develop skills for engaging the school community in new ways. One major initiative has been the formation of a Student Representative Council with students represented from each year level.
Well-being Ambassadors
As part of their role on the SRC a selected group of leaders has dedicated time to learn what the best well-being resources for students are. These students run well-being events across the College and are available for students to ask questions about the best ways to seek support.
Wellbeing Ambassadors have created various initiatives to support student well-being. In 2019 Plympton International College was chosen as a Spotlight School for the new VoiceIt Toolkit developed by the Department for Education. Ambassadors use this Toolkit to create projects involving peer mentoring, student talks and resource development. Since this time the Wellbeing Ambassadors have worked with the City of West Torrens and The Australian Red Cross to work on Community Projects called Resilience After COVID & Supporting Young People in Disaster Resilience.
Please see the attached presentations for help-seeking information developed by the Wellbeing Ambassadors.
Keys for success program
In years 7-12 every Wednesday there is a lesson where home group teachers can support students with their well-being and futures through implementing lessons that focus on life skills. Areas covered are:
- Relationships
- Study Skills
- Pathways (job or further study)
- Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
- Cyber safety
- Road safety
The program was named ‘Keys for Success’ by the students as they believe it is a vital part of their curriculum. Opening up opportunities and giving them skills to be the best they can be.
For more information contact the School Office on (08) 8297 0488.
Wellbeing Resources
This list in the presentations below is not exhaustive, but the websites and phone numbers we have listed are recommended. Students may also wish to talk to their Home Group Teacher, Student Wellbeing Leader or another Staff member if they have an issue.
Important resources
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Related pages
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Ready to enrol your student?
You are welcome to fill in an Expression of Interest Form and your child’s name will be placed on our ‘register for enrolment’ list.