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Information Technology

Information Technology

Information Technology

Student laptops

From 2023 Plympton International College will move away from the current BYOD program.

Students in years 7 to 12 are expected to bring their own fully charged laptop to school that meets the recommended requirements for laptop devices.

The College has aligned with HP to provide a laptop purchase program for families to buy devices for students who are new to the College, starting in Year 7 in 2024, or for any students who wish to purchase a device through the HP program.

Note that Apple MAC books and Chromebooks are not recommended due to issues connecting to the College networks and little support can be offered by on-site ICT staff.

Governing Council has endorsed the new program to ensure consistency across the College for both students and staff using the same devices.

The benefits of this move include:

  • an easy and cost-effective way to purchase devices to save families time shopping around for a suitable laptop.
  • a uniformed device that will allow easy troubleshooting as everyone is using the same device.
  • quality devices to support the use of technologies across the College.
  • having a locked down device that is managed by PIC ICT staff.
Insurance provisions

As part of the new laptop program, we highly recommend purchasing the Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) Insurance that will be available 4 days after the initial laptop purchase. These HP devices contain a touch screen that if broken can cost up to three quarters of the device’s original cost to repair with parts and labour. The insurance can only be purchased up to 60 days from purchase. 

Device setup

To apply the College’s image, software, and settings, the student devices will be delivered directly to the school and then made available once the image and setup has been applied.

Note that laptops arriving during the holiday period may be issued at the commencement of Term 1 2025.


Device specifications and purchase information

The College has negotiated special education deals on selected packages through its preferred partner, HP. Parents can purchase laptops through the parent portal which can be accessed by clicking the link below. Orders can be placed at any time. Once your order arrives, you will be notified so that you can collect it from the college.

Note that the laptop Portal will not be able to accept orders during the school closure period (December 19 to January 9).

For any inquiries relating to laptop requirements or technical specifications can be addressed via the ICT help desk in the resource centre, contacted via the front office 8297 0488 or forwarded to the ICT department e-mail:

Information Technology Policy & User Agreements Form

All students and their parents or guardians are required to read and submit the following form before students being granted access to the College network or computer systems. This can be printed and returned to the college or emailed to the ICT department (


Ready to enrol your student?

You are welcome to fill in an Expression of Interest Form and your child’s name will be placed on our ‘register for enrolment’ list.