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Fees & finance

Fees & finance

School Fees and Finance Options

Fees for 2024 are:
  • $458 Materials and Services fees Reception-year 6
  • $566 Materials and Services fees year 7-year 9
  • $600 Materials and Services fees year 10-year 12

Some courses attract fees and these are listed on the Subject Levy.

A breakdown of the Materials and Services fees can be accessed here:

Reception – Year 6

Years 7 – 9

Years 10 – 12

Online Payment System
QKR! Payment

Download the free QKR! App and add Plympton International College to your payment list to start making easy, secure and convenient payments to Plympton International College.


  1. Download the free QKR app from your app store in either Android or Apple.
  2. Insert your email address and create a password to sign in.
  3. Open the app, search for and select Plympton International College.
  4. Add student profile.
  5. Under the Menu option, select ‘School payment” then choose from one of the menus and products to make your payment for material and services, camps, excursions etc.
Applying for Instalment Payments

Parents/Caregivers are able to authorise our college to process ongoing payments to pay for college fees and invoices as agreed under a payment plan. These payments may be scheduled weekly, fortnightly, monthly or per term depending on the payment type.

Click here for the Direct Debit Request form.

Applying for a School Card

You may be eligible for support with payment of Material &Services fees and subject fees if you are a low income earner. School Card assistance must be applied for each year as the assessment process is based on your income for the prior financial year. We recommend that you lodge your application for School Card assistance with the college early in the year. This will allow you to establish a payment plan with the college early if your School Card application is not approved.

Forms to apply for School Card assistance are available online from Department for Education Website at:

Ready to enrol your student?

You are welcome to fill in an Expression of Interest Form and your child’s name will be placed on our ‘register for enrolment’ list.