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Plympton International College offers a comprehensive and exciting music program for students of all ages.

In our Classroom Music Program, students learn to sing, play, read and compose music using movement, body percussion, voice and percussion instruments, developing the basics from Reception to Year 9.

Students continue to develop their instrumental music skills in a classroom by learning the recorder in Year 3 and the ukulele in Years 4 to 6.

Years 7 to 9 learn rock instruments, including keyboard, guitar, voice and percussion. Year-level Ensembles (Bands) are made within the class.

Music is offered as an elective after year ten, and SACE offers solo and ensemble subjects.

Two girls standing, both holding mallets

Instrumental Music Programme

Students from years 3 – 12 may access the Instrumental Music program.

Students have the opportunity to undertake individual / small group lessons with an instrumental specialist teacher. Lessons are weekly and run for 30 minutes. IInstruments include Year 3 – 12 Strings (violin, viola and cello), Year 5-12 students can select Guitar (bass, electric, acoustic), Woodwind (flute, clarinet and saxophone), Brass (trumpet or trombone) and Percussion (drum kit). Private lessons for piano are available after school on site.

  • Voice
  • Percussion
  • Trumpet
  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Saxophone
  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Classical Guitar
  • Electric Guitar
  • Bass Guitar

Instrumental students have the opportunity to be involved in the following Bands, Choirs and Orchestras:

String Orchestra

The String Orchestra rehearses once a week and performs at assemblies and at the annual String Concert and Music Night.

Concert Band

The Concert Band consists of primarily Woodwind and Brass students. This is a beginner band, giving band experience to Instrumental students. The Concert band performs at Music Night.

Performing Rock Band

The Rock Band consists of music students with a high degree of ability. They perform at schools in the district, in the community, at school functions and in music festivals.